My knowledge of my Grandpa Demar McCracken is very limited. I was overjoyed to unearth this photograph of his 1911 school class at North Leigh, Idaho School District #8. Demar would have been 14 years old and although his name is captioned in the picture, he is not specifically labeled. Judging from his age, he is most likely one of the boys kneeling on the front row. My guess would be the second from the left, two to the right of the teacher, but that is just a guess.
It is fascinating to me to look at the details in the school room, the wallpaper, the desks, the plank flooring, the chalkboards and the clothing. My imagination can fill in many blanks.
It is interesting to remember that Demar's future wife, Lucille, was born in 1911, the year this photograph was taken.
The picture was captioned according to the names in the souvenir program. Rather than McCracken, Demar was known by the shortened surname of Mack that his family used at this time.
Henrie, Maggie Hubbard, Leta Henrie, Ida Dunn, Clara Dunn, William Clark, Edna
Weaver, Viola Henrie, Susie Henrie, Mabel Hubbard, Arthur Dunn, Albert Dunn,
Norris Henrie, Lawrence Hatch, Cecil Hatch, Paul Hansen, Cleve Hansen, Lillie
Henrie, Ruby Jensen, Howard Jensen, Owen Weaver, Demar Mack, Arnold Hansen,
Sarah Weaver, Florence Dunn, Leslie Dunn. Eldon Hatch, Newel Henrie, Lorin
Hubbard, Leo Weaver, Jesse Thomas, Allie Dunn. Betty Hunter Teacher.