Friday, October 30, 2015

Relics and Keepsakes

Coila, 1947
Coila Ethel Speas McCracken graduated from this life early, at the young age of forty-six. She finished all her requirements ahead of schedule, before I had to chance to ask all of the questions that I needed to know.

If it were possible, I would text Mom, or send a letter, or email, to find out more about her youth, school days, courtship, and young motherhood. But for now, all I can do is cherish my memories, and the few tiny keepsakes of hers that are mine.

One thing I do know is that she was a diligent student who wanted not only to get a good grade, but to understand. Sometimes she struggled to grasp the reasons behind mathematical equations. Her math teacher remembered that she would come to the side of his desk and say to him, "Don't catch". After satisfactorily explaining the concept, she would finally report, "Got it now."

Shelley High School 1947
She graduated from Shelley High School in Idaho's Independent School District No. 30, on May 12, 1947.

She was a loyal friend and her high school buddies were lifelong confidantes.

The Shelly High School mascot was a russet, as in potato. 

She enjoyed wearing her school class ring throughout her life. The gold raised image on the black stone is worn smooth and the details are obscured by years of wear. I like to slip her ring on my finger from time to time and think of her hands and all that they did for me. Her hands were always busy, gardening, cooking, cleaning, sewing, dipping chocolates, washing dishes, canning, weeding, kneading bread, crocheting, and while she was drying her hair, playing solitaire. 

I have a lapel pin which belonged to my mom which I previously thought was a seminary graduation pin, but upon careful inspection might actually represent her graduation from primary. I've tried to find similar images, but have been unsuccessful.  

The letters L, D, and S are prominent on the top and sides of the diamond shaped pin. The four arcs on the edges are engraved with the words, "Primary, Seagull, Service, Gladly". The date "1878" on the bottom tip is the year of the forming of the Primary organization. 

She certainly our family gladly, and that was her primary goal.

I miss her, and someday I'll find out the rest of her story.