Friday, July 10, 2015

Chase Women in Nauvoo Relief Society

The Chase's were well represented in the Nauvoo Relief Society. Listed among the membership were the following that I have been able to link to my family line:

These good women are mentioned several times in the minutes of the Nauvoo Relief Society as preserved in the Joseph Smith Papers. Your guess is as good as mine which of the above deserves credit for the following (original spelling maintained):

"Mrs. Chase then spoke in a very animated strain, by way of  encouragement to the sisters, saying the angels are rejoicing over you."

"Sister Chase then rose and spoke on the necessity of prayer and faith  - exhorted the sisters to faithfulness to be much in prayer - said she stood a living witness for Jesus of Nazareth - knew he had pourd his spirit upon her -  inasmuch as we visit the sick we shall be blesst -  I mean to do all that I can - to releave their necessities we must be humble and overcome the powers of darkness and live by faith.
"Mrs. Chase prophesied that henceforth, if the sisters are faithful, the gifts of the gospel shall be with us, especially the gift of healin."