Saturday, April 18, 2015

Who is Lummie?

While thinking about old times, the names Lloyd and Lummie popped into mind.  Do those names conjure sweet memories? 

Many a Sunday evening and summer afternoon found us at the Frandsen home because they had fresh peas or corn to share. On spring days Grandma and Lummie exchanged flower cuttings to add to their beautiful gardens and flower beds. 

Although I wouldn't have dared proclaim how this sweet couple was connected to me, I felt sure that Lummie was a cousin or niece of Grandma Ethel Hurst Speas. 

As I started looking for the connection, however, Lummie became a mystery; no one in the Hurst tree existed by that name and my search of the Speas tree also came up empty.  Had I remembered the name wrong? How would one spell Lummie? 
Lummie and Lloyd Frandsen

I located Lloyd Victor Frandsen, a sure match, and his spouse was Sarah Columbia Speas, who just happened to be the daughter of Rufus Speas, Grandpa Robert Rector Speas's brother. Yes, the lovely lady I knew as Lummie was actually named Sarah Columbia. 

Mystery solved, she was Mom's cousin, on her father's side; and, of course, a wonderful hostess and cook with an amazing green thumb that could grow the most beautiful flowers in the frigid Idaho climate. 

I wish I knew who gave her the endearing nickname. I guess it is a shortened form of Columbia, but maybe there is more to the story ...
