Sunday, April 12, 2015

No wonder Ethel Hurst fell in love

William Edwin, Robert Rector, and Wiley Roscoe Speas

Posing in the center of this snapshot, the dapper young man in the rakish pose is Robert Rector Speas. It is no wonder that Ethel Hurst fell in love with this snappy dresser with the jaunty cap and confident style. 

On the left of the picture is his step brother, William Edwin, and on the right side is another step brother, Wiley Roscoe.  Robert Rector, or Rex, as he was known, was the oldest of the three, born in 1895, Wiley Roscoe was five years younger, and William Edwin was born two years after that, in 1902. 

Wouldn't it be fun to know more about this young man who later became my Grandpa Speas? What occasion prompted the brothers to gather on the front porch in their hats, suits and ties and strike this pose? Was it a festive event such as a wedding, or a somber gathering - perhaps a funeral?  Were their expressions and hand placements an indication of annoyance at being photographed, or were they attempting their most masculine look possible? Was Grandma looking on as the picture was being taken? I sure wish I knew.