Have you discovered the new Family History games for your children and grandchildren at ancestorguru.com?
This website offers four fun games that will help children get better acquainted with family members. It ties into your LDS Family Search account to populate the games with family names, dates, places, faces, etc.
Scrambled Tree: Mixes up the generations on your family tree. Exchange pictures one by one until the generations are properly lined up. Here is an example of a beginning screen. By clicking on the picture of Samuel Harris Hurst and then of Harold Arthur McCracken, the pictures will swap places and my Dad will be in the right generation.
Memory: Simply a good old fashioned memory games using the faces of family members. These pictures are hidden underneath the pins below. Select the pins that match to reveal the pictures.
Life's Journey: This game acquaints the participant with the dates and places on a family member's timeline. By moving the balloon to the cloud containing true facts for that person in each category, you receive points. For example, on the sample screen below you would drag the balloon to the cloud labeled Rigby, Jefferson, Idaho, to verify Grandma Beard's birthplace.
Fast Photo: A simple game of face recognition of family members. Click on the faces that belong to the family and they will be added to the basket to score points.