Monday, August 24, 2015

Temple Workers and Artists

Both my Great, Great Grandfather Frederick William Hurst and his son, Frederick William Hurst Jr., helped to build the Logan Temple. 

Great, Great Grandpa is shown front and center in this photo of temple workers; he is holding his hat in his hand. William Jr. is to his father's left (our right in the photo). 

Frederick William Hurst, Jr.
We learn in the book, "Logan Temple: The First 100 Years" that William (Jr.), a talented and dedicated artist had plans to go east to continue his schooling. The church leaders recognized his potential and he was called as a "temple missionary" and sent off to school to study portrait and decorative painting, with the view that he would return and help beautify the temple (which he did). 

Original Paintings in Creation Room in Logan Temple

This father and son team also helped to paint the Salt Lake Temple, and to construct several other important buildings such as the Paris Tabernacle in Idaho.